Intellectual Property & Information Technologies
Intellectual property (IP) is probably the most important asset when it comes to start-ups. For instance, an idea consisting of an invention needs to be protected by being patented, or the brand is protected by the trademark provisions. Thus, by protecting intellectual property rights, the entrepreneur also protects the start-up.
Also, information technologies and reflections in law are equally important. The culture is evolving into something new; we are now using and talking about blockchain technologies, data rights are evolving, and smart contracts’ repercussions are being discussed every day.
Did you know?
As of the end of October 2021, the number of trademark applications made to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office was 152,797, 140,331 of which were domestic. The domestic trademark application rate was 91.8%. The number of patent applications was 13,134, of which 5,611 were domestic and 7,523 foreign.
As Arche Law & Consultancy, we are assisting throughout your IP adventure. We explain the process in detail and provide consultancy on the action plan. We assist our client not only in the IP right's application process, but also with correspondences with the relevant authorities and after the registration. Also, we provide services for consultancy on block-chain technologies, data protection, smart contracts, and overall information technologies (IT) law.